Studies Are Showing That Jagerbombs Could Be As Harmful As Cocaine And Causes Neurochemistry Changes At "Breakneck Speed"

Listen, it's a little slower of a Friday here before Christmas. We need some year-end pageviews so I can feed my family and what better way to do it than two things that have once captured the hearts of every lad who ever went to college: jagerbombs and cocaine. I saw this tweet and was a little surprised Nicky Smokes hadn't gotten to this first, but that's where this AI robot comes in to save the day.

I hate this Daily Loud Twitter account because it can publish virtually anything, put something like "new studies show" or "according to a source" and people take it as bond. This tweet has 8 million views in 3 hours, and at the time of me writing this 50,000 likes and growing. It's going to be the most viral tweet of the day on the app and there's legitimately no source. I had to dig deep and find the Purdue study I think this guy might have been referencing:

SOURCE: A 2016 study by a team at Purdue University found that the mixed drink causes changes in the brain's neurochemistry at a breakneck speed.

To start, the alcohol acts as a depressant while the energy drink is a stimulant. Ever felt like you were having heart palpitations after abusing your student bar's three-for-£10 offer? That's why.

On top of this, the two drinks mixed together can lead to changes in the brain similar to the effects of cocaine.

Professor Richard van Rijn, one of the researchers who looked into the effects of highly caffeinated alcoholic drinks at Purdue, said: "It seems the two substances together push them over a limit that causes changes in their behaviour and changes the neurochemistry in their brains.

"We are clearly seeing effects of the combined drinks that we would not see if drinking one or the other."

And over time, according to the study, frequently drinking jägerbombs could increase your chances of craving and/or using drugs like cocaine later in life.

"That is one reason why it is so difficult for drug users to quit because of these lasting changes in the brain," van Rijn said.

"Mice that were exposed to highly caffeinated alcoholic drinks later found cocaine was not as pleasurable. They may then use more cocaine to get the same effect."

Van Rijn added: “Their brains have been changed in such a way they are more likely to abuse natural or pleasurable substances as adults.”

2016? You're telling me we've known this for 7 years and we're now calling it a new study and JUST learning about it? I will say changing your brain's neurochemistry at a breakneck speed is kinda a cool way to describe this though. One would have to wonder what would happen if you combine the two and what level of speed that would change your brain at. 

With that being said, what ever happened to Jagerbombs? Can someone confirm they're still around and kickin? I don't know if I got older or they died, but I haven't heard of anyone slugging one of those in years now. My heart probably hasn't recovered from a semester abroad where that was all I drank, but turns out it didn't increase my craving of cocaine later on in life so maybe this study is false.

Maybe we're due for an updated study on the results of both at the same time. Or Daily Loud can just make something up on Twitter and everyone will believe it without any further research. No science needed.

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